The Year of Second Chances
Jessica Sorensen
Isabella Anders isn't ready to accept that her mother is guilty of murder. After discovering some details about her mom’s case, she decides to take a road trip to visit her mother in jail, hoping to get some insight to what really happened. Not wanting to go alone, she asks Kai, one of her closest friends, to go with her. Over the last month, Kai’s feelings for Isabella have grown. He knows he’s in love with her and will do just about anything to protect her. So, when she asks him to go with her to visit her mom, he easily agrees, even though he has his own problems to deal with. Problems that are putting his life at risk. But Kai isn’t the only one in danger. Isa is being stalked by someone who knows what really happened the day her mother was accused of murder, and they’ll do just about anything to keep Isa from finding out the truth. źródło opisu: http://jessicasorensen.com źródło okładki: http://jessicasorensen.com
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