Lost Hearts in Italy
Andrea Lee
When Mira Ward,an American,relocates to Rome with her husband Nick, she looks forward to a time of exploration and awakening. Young,beautiful, and in love, Mira is giddy with the prospect of living abroad. On the trip over, she meets Zenin, an Italian billionaire, who intrigues her with his coolness and wroldly mystique. A few weeks later, feeling adrift in her new life, Mira agrees to a seemingly innocent lunch with Zenin, and is soon catapulted into an intense affair, which quickly moves beyond her control. Over the next few years, now a young mother, she struggles between resisting and relenting to this man who has such a hold on her. As her marriage erodes, so too does Mira's sense of self, until she no longer resembles the free spirit she was on her arrival in the Eternal City. Years later, Mira and Nick, now divorced and remarried, look back in an attempt to underestand their history, while a detached Zenin assesses his own life and his role in the unlikely love traingle. An elegant, raw, and emotionally-charged novel, Lost Hearts in Italy is a classic coming-of-age story where cultures collide, innocence dissolves and those we know most intimately remain foreign to us.
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