The Yellow Sign and Other Stories: The Complete Weird Tales of Robert W. Chambers
Robert W. Chambers
Short stories from THE KING IN YELLOW, THE MAKER OF MOONS, THE MYSTERY OF CHOICE, THE TRACER OF LOST PERSONS, THE TREE OF HEAVEN, and two complete books, IN SEARCH OF THE UNKONOWN and POLICE!!! This book contains all the immortal tales of Robert W. Chambers, including "The Repairer of Reputations", "The Yellow Sign", and "The Mask". These tales are often found in survey anthologies. In addition to the six stories reprinted from THE YELLOW SIGN (1895) this book also offers more than two dozen other stories and episodes. These narratives rarely have appeared in print. Some have not been published in nearly a century. This is a complete collection of Robert W. Chambers' short weird fiction — his published horror, science fiction, and fantasy/supernatural, as well as some self-conscious whimsy. The writing can be facile and out of fashion, of interest to collectors and those desiring to comprehend the writer. But other stories are as delicate and durable as those wrought by Lord Dunsany, and worthy of every reader's time. Stories are collected and edited by Lovecraftian scholar S. T. Joshi. A Chambers novel, SLAYER OF SOULS (1920), is not included in this short story collection. źródło opisu: www.chaosium.com źródło okładki: Zdjęcie autorskie (MSN)
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